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7 Day Rhythmic Flow Yoga Retreat  with Mayan Jungle and Beach Adventures

Featuring: Ximena Tavaras


Aug 26-Sept 1st, 2023┊ ┊Sept 22-28th, 2023┊ ┊Nov 22-28th, 2023┊ ┊Dec 11-17th, 2023┊ ┊Dec 27th-Jan 2nd, 2024


 Join Copal Retreat for a week of embodiment and tuning into the rhythm of your soul's flow! Explore the Mayan ruins and jungle landscape of the Mexican Caribbean, all while deepening your yoga practice and absorbing the gentle ocean breeze! During your week, you will strike a balance between solo, reflective time, and social time. Enjoy self-care practices to rhythmic sequenced warming flows and walks on the beach, powerful daily intentions, and soul activating inner work through your practice.

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